Song of Solomon 8:11-14
Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver. My vineyard, which is mine, is before me: thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred. Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to thy voice: cause me to hear it. Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.
These are the last lines of the final canticle of this book. The whole book has had one central theme and that has been Loving our Lord. This book is a poetic description of the “great love wherewith he loved us.” This entire last canticle has been about the product of this love. I believe the Shulamite, representing the church, has been the one speaking in every verse.This last cantice shows concern for the maturing church of tomorrow, care for the garden of fellowship, and speaks of love that cannot be quenched by death or any force of nature and now, the work that we do for him is considered. it is impostant to remeber that all these things are a product of a heart in love with Jesus, a heart reciprocating the same love shown to him/her.
Solomon had many vineyards and while these were for his enjoyment, they were also for production of fruit. He was a wise and prudent man and anything he done had to be done to the best of its ability. At the end of the harvest, they would weigh the fruit and receive reward for their labors. What a reminder of our Lord, He too is a wise and prudent master of the vineyard, we have been sent forth into the field and not to play, but to work. We will all stand and give an account and our fruits/works will be judged and we will either suffer loss or gain reward [1 Cor 3:11-15]. These vineyards remind us of the several parables of Jesus concerning vineyards. Like the Parable in Matthew 20 we have been hired into the vineyard, called out of the marketplace of this world by the master of the vineyard and commissioned to work till the night. In this labor we run the risk of becoming “weary in well doing.” Fatigue is a real thing, and anyone who has labored in a field all day knows that if your heart is not in the work and you do not have fresh supply of water you will soon be forced to quit. There is no greater thought to cheer our hearts back to work for our Saviour than the great love where with he loved us. Remember Peter and the question that Jesus used to get him back to work for the Lord. “Do you love me?” “Feed my sheep.” A question and a statement from our Lord to a heartbroken disciple who had grown weary in well doing. Jesus went straight to the heart of the problem, his denial and return to his secular job was not the problem but a symptom of a deeper issue, his love for Jesus. Many times, our hands get weak and our steps get slow because our love has grown cold. Dear worker in the vineyard, refresh yourself with the remembrance of his love and in so doing you can find the strength needed carry on.
The last line of this book is a call from the church to the Savior to make hast and come. For the voice of the church in that age it was the beckoning for his first coming and for us in this hour it is a cry for his second coming. The same cry comes at the closing lines of your Bible, in Revelation 22 verse 20 John cries “even so come Lord Jesus.” Here we have another by product of a heart that is deeply in love with Jesus. The first century used his return as a means of encouraging the church. Many in this hour look to his return with dread. They still have businesses to build, things to do, places to see and the return of Christ would be a disruption to their plans here on earth. What a cold love it is that prefers the glory of this world over the place which he has gone to prepare for those that he loves! Most true Christians would never admit that they are not excited for his return but in your heart today you know whether you long for it or hope he waits a bit longer. A heart in love with Jesus will echo the Shulamite, John, Paul, and all the other hearts that have looked forward to his return, hoping that is was this very moment. He is returning any moment, are you ready? Is it hope or horror that fills your heart at the thought of his return? Dear reader, do not rest until your love for him has been revived to such a state that it motivates you to work for him, watch for him and earnestly wait for Him. We will end our study in this Book echoing the words of the SHulamite to her beloved, to our beloved; " Make haste, my beloved."